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No Alternatives, We are your ICT end;

Ai & Technology need one stop closer.

Aimax Agency

Aimax Agency ( Artificial Intelligent Max Agency ) known as Aimax is a worldwide brand name for Aimax Agency, Founded by Karwan Mino, It is an Internet, Information, Technology, Communications, Software Development, Publishing, Startup Supporter, and Creativity Agency, That develop these sectors in Kurdistan region and anywhere around the world.  we are ready to present the best services on demand with high quality productivity, on time delivery and efficient dealing. we use highest technology solution of now days to our clients, and we rush to provide services in govern size.

Creative Design

Our office is our screens, we are dedicated and never miss out a spelling space only! quality and attraction are our priorities of consideration.

Tech Development

When a deal is under construction, it means we are held by other customers, when we are working on a development process, our life cycle is ( Code-Sleep-Eat ) till climax.

Apps. Dapps

Not only apps. but DAPPS are also the main global tech AI daily tools right now, from web view apps to Native apps we struggle to deliver fantastic ones for our clients.

Explore our expert

Fully dedicated
for best solutions.

ERP solution, any hosting size and server instances, data collection and making everything autopilot. we are last points that you search for to hire for your next dreamy project. 

Explore our team


Karwan Mino

Full Stack Developer

Contact us on WhatsApp

Better connection gateway with us is our main WhatsApp business account. or send us an official Email here